First Flight Farm is a long-established hunter/jumper barn located near Monticello, Florida. Our family-owned, 25-acre, farm was established in 2004 as a smaller retirement stable from the much larger, owned and operated, barn in Indiana.
​We are a proven training facility that specializes in three disciplines: hunters, jumpers, and equitation horses. We promote the American Forward Riding System as we feel it is the most comprehensive education philosophy for riders of all levels.
Our boutique-style farm allows us to focus on quality, customer-centric training where our clients gain a solid foundation in jumping and acquire confidence in their skills. Our fully-equipped equestrian center is set in the tranquil hills of north Florida which provides a safe environment for both riders and horses alike. We also service our neighboring towns of Tallahassee, FL and Thomasville, GA.
We offer training, boarding, leasing, and events. Let’s get started. Give us a call today!
Would you like to have your own horse but can’t afford one yet? Lease one from us.

First Flight Feed
First Flight Feed is proud to offer high quality grain and supplement products from ADM Animal Nutrition. Visit our website at www.firstflightfeed.com for more information.
We encourage you to take advantage of our convenient and affordable delivery service. Save a trip to town. Let us stack your grain in your barn with these high quality products. Call 970-275-8343 to place an order.